Ned Smith Nature and Art Center Photography Show
November through December 2023

First Place in Macro Photography
Picturesque Polyphemus
A Mysterious Mix

Second Place in Macro Photography
Frozen Concoction

Third Place in Macro Photography
Cosmic Color
July 29 through July 30 2023
The Elk Expo holds a place in the heart of the mountains of Benezette, Pa and is a favorite wild destination of mine! A few favorite photographs of the beasts that roam wild and free found there way into an elk viewing guide. This year another photograph titled Wet n Wild also has a month of the KECA Calendar as a favorite spot. I look forward to sharing some other beauty from the surrounding mountains that captivate the young and old nature lovers from afar! ELK EXPO

Holiday Show and Sale
at the
Butler Art Center
December 7th through end of the year!

Butler Art Center
Small Business Saturday Vendor Show
November 26, 2022 10 am -5pm
Main Street Butler, Pa

Recent Wins
Ward Museum Photo Festival November 18, 2022
Second Place in Plant Category
Red Zinnia and the Monarch Trio
Ned Smith Nature and Art Center
Juried Photography Show 2022
on view now through the end of the year
Spring Beauty

Upcoming Solo Show at Ned Smith Center March 2024
Lawrence County Conservation District Photo Competition 2022 Honorable Mention
Fall Treasure

Butler Art Center Nature and Wildlife Show 2021
October 1, 2021 through October 31, 2021

Family Full Circle
2nd place in Wildlife Photography
Lawrence County Conservation District Photo Competition April 2021
Cardinal Capture...Honorable Mention

Very happy to know that the nature images I treasure will be used in promoting the beauty of nature and conservation of our natural resources of our planet earth!
Past Events
Cobblehaus Brewery
Ford Fall Festival
November 19, 2022

Holiday Gift and Craft Boutique
October 1, 2022

Elk Expo 2022

August 20-21, 2022
Elk Expo
Benezette, Pa
August 19-21, 2021
Excited to be a returning artist again this year for the Elk Expo in the beautiful mountains of Benezette, Pennsylvania! Once again, I will be showing artistic nature photography and selling paintings and prints of some favorite wildlife and scenery! I will have a live monarch butterfly display and possibly some giant silkworm caterpillars to take a peek at as well! New to the show will be some airbrushed mirrors and stained glass imagery! Stop by the Elk Expo and enjoy the view and the company of thousands of outdoor lovers of all ages! Don't forget to stop by and say Hi!
Moraine State Park Regatta 2021
August 6-8 2021
Happy to be an artist sharing the beauty of nature with visitors this year! I will have nature photography and paintings available for purchase. I will also be sharing my new airbrushed mirrors and stained glass imagery with a flair for the outdoors! Stop by and enjoy the beauty of the park and shop for something special for the outdoor lover in you!
The Birdwatchers Store Art Show
February 28-29, 2020 10am-5pm each day
Looking for a break in Winter? Venture out to the Birdwatchers Store for the 2nd Annual Art Show featuring local nature artists! I will be attending this nature loving show and look forward to meeting more nature loving enthusiasts! I will have a wide selection of photographic and painted images for sale! Hope to see you there!
PAGO Fall Photo Contest 2019
Pennsylvania Greater Outdoors
WINNER 3rd Place!!
Voting ended December 19, 2019!
go to

Autumns Weave is a kaleidoscope of Fall colors defined only by the dewy silk strands that remain and create an optical illusion into Fall.
It is one of the 15 Fall Finalists...3rd place WINNER
Thank you for all your continued efforts and support! It is greatly appreciated!

Full Circle
Winner presentation at Elk Expo August 17-19, 2019
Elk Expo Patch Photo Contest judging was done online by clicking on favorite image and hitting LIKE to VOTE! Voting ran from April 8 through April 22, 2019. Voting ended April 22, 2019. The winning photo would be the one with the most likes! Full Circle, my photo with a family of elk, was the favorite and won! The photo image, Full Circle, is now to be made into an embroidered conservation patch promoting the Pennsylvania Elk Herd!
I want to shout out a great big THANK YOU to all my friends and family and to those individuals that showed their appreciation in the beauty and strength in the image that I felt would make a significant addition to the elk conservation efforts in the photo of a family of elk which would bear the title Full Circle! I am forever grateful for all your efforts in voting and continued enthusiasm for my work!
FULL CIRCLE has officially been chosen as the 2019 ELK CONSERVATION PATCH!!
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement while voting!
Butler Institute of American Art's
81st Area Artists Annual Exhibition
The Butler Trumbull
Exhibition runs from October 27, 2019 through November 27, 2019
I am very excited and honored to have this piece of artwork accepted into the upcoming show!

9x12 image
acrylic airbrush and prismacolor pencil